National Sporting Weekend – Come and compete with the best!

  • Are you a budding (or aging) sportsman?
  • Do you have the skills to help Area 8 triumph over the other teams from across the UK?
  • Are you free on 4th September?

If the answer is Yes to these questions and you fancy coming joining Area Chairman Mark and IPC Lee along with many other Area 8 Tablers at the National Sporting Weekend in Lancaster, there is a value package now available.

IPC Lee has negotiated a Day rate for those who just want to compete in the sports element of the weekend on the Saturday. He’s pre-booked 50 places and they are filling up fast, so if you want to come along, get in touch with him by selecting IPC from the contact us page.


Date: Saturday 4th September

Cost: £tbc

What: The sports available include: Athletics; Beach Volleyball; Cross Country; Fishing; Badminton; Boule; Crown Green Bowling; Football; Basketball; Cricket; Darts; Pool; Squash; Swimming; Table Tennis; Tennis; and Tug-o-War

Alternatively, why not go for the whole weekend package – just £199 including events and entertainment for the whole weekend and accommodation on Friday and Saturday nights. Click here to book the whole weekend package online or download the form here.

Note: the Late Booking Fee has been waived until 26th June, so book in soon to make sure you get a great deal!

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